Basically, this particular card cannot be one of those bonus cards – in the case of bonus cards, you have to keep turning them over until you obtain a natural card. Besides the draw pile, you must keep the discard pile, but while doing so, don’t forget to check which one is facing up.
Also, at the beginning of each player’s turn, they have to pick the card right on top and then add the same to their hand. The remaining cards have to be stacked into a draw pile.The dealer will shuffle the cards and hand them over – for a game of 4 players, each player will receive around 11 cards, all face down. Any standard game with four players will require you to use two decks according to Canasta rules, including the jokers.You can play with an odd number of people as long as someone sits out.The rankings don’t matter during the game, only while the game is being set up.While doing so, remember the ranking of the cards (from the highest to the lowest),Ĭheck out the pointers you must remember while doing the game setup! The players who will pull the cards of the highest value and the players with the lowest values will be divided into two teams. You can choose teams by just pulling cards from a deck that has been shuffled. A standard round of the Canasta card game is normally played amongst four players.